


Almost 40% of social media users are following their favorite brands on social media. Meanwhile, one in four users are already following brands they might make a purchase from. Using social media marketing for construction companies can help you reach those customers. Otherwise, you’re falling behind the competition and missing out on potential clients.

Keep reading to discover the benefits of social media marketing for your construction services! Then, you can get ahead of the competition and ensure your company is stronger than ever.

1. Expand your brand

One of the top benefits of social media marketing for construction companies is brand awareness.

People don’t choose companies they’ve never heard of before. By posting online, you have a cost-effective way to increase your company’s digital visibility. Otherwise, you’ll never have the chance to reach customers and stand out from the crowd.

In order to increase your brand awareness, you need a distinct brand. What’s the unique value that makes you different from competitors? How can you show followers that value online? 

Creating unique, eye-catching social media posts like 3D renderings can help you stand out from the crowd. Then, more people will begin to see your brand online.

The more often people see your brand, the more brand recognition will build.  When they see your high-quality work and learn about your business, brand trust will also start to grow!

2. Explore industry trends

If you don’t keep up with industry trends, you’re likely to be lagging behind your competitors. Online marketing can help you keep up with the latest trends, including what your customers are talking about.

Social media encourages companies and people to remain transparent. There, consumers and brands exchange conversations in real-time. These conversations may include complaints, as well as the latest concerns of your customers.

Tracking these trends can help when you market your building services online. If you don’t know about these trends or don’t market new services, your customers may think you’re outdated. People want to know they are doing the best in business. Keep track of the hashtags your customers and competitors are using.

3. Keep up with competitors

Keeping up with the latest trends will also help you keep up with your competitors.

Marketing on Instagram and Facebook are great ways for you to follow your local competitors. What is your opponent promoting? What content do their followers react the most?

Social media gives you the opportunity to conduct a thorough social competition analysis. You can then learn more about what your competitors are doing to attract new potential customers. These methods can include content, advertising and even the way they talk to their followers online.

You can then use this information to improve your own social media strategy.

4. Improve customer service

Today, many people are looking online to ask questions, make complaints or learn about new companies. Phone calls and emails, on the other hand, can feel tedious and frustrating.

Social media marketing gives you a great opportunity to improve your customer service. It’s quick, easy and allows you to respond to customers where they have spent time with them.

Using social media, you can have conversations back and forth with your customers in real-time. This allows customers, competitors and potential customers to see how you interact with them. Therefore, you can tell potential customers and existing customers that you are there and ready to help.

A positive customer service experience can encourage potential buyers to return. It can also help you improve your brand’s trust and loyalty. Resolve your complaint online as soon as you can. If your customers provide feedback, listen. Let them know you are ready to respond. Then use these reviews to make a better effort when investing in your customers.