rendered image
  • 29 March 2019
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In the ever-changing world we live in, businesses are up to date with trends that will reap much success. And the real estate industry is no exception. The 2D floor plan has been in use for a long time and still has its place. However, this is always risky because clients only rely on their imagination […]

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  • 22 March 2019
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3D TVC ads, also known as 3D film, is a technology of film ad using 3D images in the content. The reason why 3D advertising is increasingly popular is that 3D images help create a vivid, beautiful and more impressive experience for viewers in every movie. The images used are a perfect combination of the […]

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digital marketing for real estate industry
  • 19 March 2019
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4.0 technological revolution boom, followed by changes in real estate marketing trends. In the context of the market today, how can owners and managements at real estate transaction floors can adapt to new marketing methods and devise strategies suitable for the market as well as target clients? In this article, we will share the latest […]

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virtual interactive technology
  • 15 March 2019
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According to experts, Virtual Interactive Technology will be a new and effective “weapon” of business for the real estate industry. It promises to be popular in the near future to serve the lives of people. 1. The world loves virtual reality South Quay Plaza – one of the tallest buildings in the UK with two […]

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real estate marketing
  • 11 March 2019
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The application of technology is much more effective than traditional real estate marketing activities. You can save a lot of expenses like printing and renting an office. More importantly, clients are becoming more technology savvy than ever. So that, being on online media will help you reach them better. Here are some tips to help […]

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Home Staging Tips
  • 5 March 2019
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When selling a home, you want it to look best in the eyes of potential buyers. That is what the staging home is about. Check out these home building tips and make changes. It can help your home sell faster and make more money. 1. Focus on potential rooms Not all rooms are considered equal […]

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3d matterport
  • 1 March 2019
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In the past 5 years, Matterport’s 3D space technology has become popular. Why do so many investors choose this technology for their projects? 1. 3D space of Matterport Matterport is extremely useful software for clients in the field of advertising with 3D space extremely sharp and real. With just one scan, clients can experience VR […]

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3d interactive technology
  • 26 February 2019
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It can be said that 3d interactive technology is opening a new horizon for real estate products. This is one of the great advances of the 4.0 technology era, changing the way clients interact with the project strongly. 1. In the project design process During the design process, the manuscript will be changed several times […]

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